JQuery Sprite Animation Plugin

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Since our team uses animation a lot for creating JavaScript games, we decided to encapsulate one of our frequently used JavaScript classes "spriteAnimation" and have it available for other users. One option was to have it as a jQuery plugin since jQuery is widely used and many developers are comfortable working with it. Creating the plugin was easy since it uses JavaScript extendability features which we have already used before in our internal classes. The plugin is now published at jQuery.com in the Plugins section under the name of "jamalm12" that is Me! and here is what the plugin does.





Create quick sprite animation by applying an image and sprite options. You can specify sprite's options like "frameWidth", "startFrame", "endFrame", "direction" and others. The animation is applied to an element by one line of code. You can use this plugin as an alternative to the "gif" animation, using this plugin you can control your animation behavior from your JaveScript code, like defining the animation delay, having an infinite loop animation or you can specify the number of loops.


To create a sprite animation using jQuery Sprite Animation you need first to creat
an image that contains the frames of the the animation like the image below.

Have a DIV element in your page and assign the sprite image as background to it.

<div id="sprite1" style="height:85px;width:85px;background-image:url('http://fs.hyzonia.com/hyz.islands/PopNDrop/common/css/arrows.png')"></div>

Call the $().spriteAnimation() function for the DIV.

$(document).ready(function() {
numberOfLoops: -1,
direction: 'ltr',
startFrame: 0,
endFrame: 36,
interval: 20



Specify the number of times the animation will be repeated. This attribute is optional, the defualt value is -1 (infinite loop).

If imageSrc was defined in the options object, the plugin assign the background-image
automatically to the element. Otherwise the plugin trys to create the animation
with the current background image.

Specify the direction in which the frames will be moved. This attribute is optional,
the default value is "ltr".

Specify the offset that we apply on each timer tick to create the movement feeling.
This is usualy the width of a single frame of the total frames that makes up the
animation image. This attribute is optional, if it was not specifyed automatically
detect the container element width and assign it as frame Width.

The startFrame value is set to -1 as default. This value indecated the frame that
the animation will start from.

The endFrame value is set to -1 as default, this value is expected to be set always
and not to be left to default.

The time delay between the frames, This attribute is optional, the default value
is 50 (20 Hertz). Note to stop the animation call the function without parameters.
i.e. $('#sprite1').spriteAnimation()


Unknown said...

Perfect. Thank you guys so much for this!

Unknown said...

Excellent stuff, can me easily customised for any purpose.

Dan said...

Gif 2.0 I say! brilliant work!

Hamara Matrimony said...

Hi very nice tutorials

Anthony Calzadilla said...

wow this is a great plugin thank you so much. I'm alos looking forward to your articles on javascript game development

Jamal Mustafa said...

Thanks guys, our team is going to be publishing more about JavaScript codes for games development, and also we are updating the releases continuously for bug fixes and features improvements. So please keep visiting to see new updates and remember comments are very welcomed.

Jari Wiklund said...

Thank you for a very useful jQuery plugin!
I've made a small change, so that the plugin is also capable of using global sprite-images, which are sprite-images containing more than just the frames for the particular animation. Please email me for the update

Shay Erlichmen said...

I added support for vertical bitmaps (which are faster than horizontal).

code at http://pastebin.com/f4feae030

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.
Is it possible to control the animation by mouse movement like googles 3dwarehouse viewer?
In this way the user has more interactivity and not just run/stop button, what do you thing?


Anonymous said...

Any tips for adding slower and faster buttons for the animation speed? I tried re-calling the same sprite with different interval settings but can't get the animation to slow down and speedup is unpredictable.


Unknown said...

Is there a way to add a call back when the animation finishes ?

Anonymous said...

Looks excellent! Great work! Just wondering if it would be a good replacement for animating a slot styled navbar as below?



Hüseyin DEMİRTAŞ said...

thanks very nice ' you guys are doing really nice things

Anonymous said...

Demo not working, but i try this tip anyway...

thanks for tip ;)

Anonymous said...

the demo is not workign

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