Hyzobox allows Publishers to easily integrate Hyzonia customized game into their website. It is as simple as copying and pasting a few lines of JavaScript code into a web page. Using Hyzobox a Publisher can have more than one game in a single web page and visitors will remain in the same page of Publisher’s website while playing the game; the visitor will find the games part of Publisher’s website.
Without User Integration
You just need to copy the embedded script of your game (it can be found in Publisher Profile page) to any page in your website. But the players will have to log in using their Hyzonia account or register for a new account.
Figure 1: No User Integration
Hyzobox has its own Registration/Login form totally independent from Publisher website’s Registration/Login;
So even non-members of the website can play the game;
But, even if our members has logged in already in the website, they still have to register/login again in the Hyzobox to play;
Publisher will lose the opportunity to capture and add the new visitors to its members’ database.
Basic User Integration
Publisher can let your users play in a game directly without the need to create a new Hyzonia account. For using this functionality Publisher has to pass some data about the user (at least her email) to Hyzobox to authenticate the user:<script type="text/javascript"> var options = { aa : { data: "{ em:'user@mywebsite.com', nk:'user nick name', dob:'dd/mm/yyyy', g:'f(emale) or m(ale)', country:'2/3 letter country code or full country name' }" } }; Hyzobox.createInstance("PopNDrop", "yourgame.hyzonia.com", options).render(); </script>
The script is tolerant about the format, you can pass the data in different formats. For more information see Hyzobox User Integration documentations.
Users, who are not currently signed in Publisher website (guests), will see a log in form that allows them to use their Hyzonia ID or create a new Hyzonia account. Publisher has an option to disable this functionality, meaning that a player must be signed in Publisher’s website in advance in order to be able to play the games. This way a Publisher keeps its games private for its registered members only.
This feature can be configured from Advanced Customization settings in advergame control panel:
"AA_SETTINGS": { "disableLogRegForms": true}When Publisher disables log in and registration forms in the game, users will not be able to play unless they already have had an account in its website. Publisher can also configure the game to send anonymous users to a registration page in its website:
"AA_SETTINGS": { "disableLogRegForms": true, "loginUrl": "http://www.wingooli.com/login", "loginLinkText": "Click to login", "logRegDisabledError": "Login and registration forms have been disabled in this game." }
Figure 2.1: Using Basic User Integration Registration or login can be removed from the Hyzobox; so playing the game is limited to Publisher’s members only. If non-members want to play, they will be redirected to the registration page of before they are granted access. Publisher takes advantage of the traffic. As a result, its user database grows.
Figure 2.2: The same protocol applies if the Publisher has more than one advergame embedded in its website.
Members/Players don’t need separate registration/log in in order to play any games within your website.
Signed User Integration (advanced)
Publisher, by signing the data that he is passing to Hyzobox, makes sure that only users that he has approved are able to play in his games.To use this feature Publisher has to sign the user data with a private key of RSA algorithm. And then pass the signature along with the user data to Hyzobox. Later the game will verify the signature and login the user.
A Publisher is able to use its own keys or Hyzonia can create a key pair for him.
The process of setting up a Signed User Integration is easy:
- Publisher has to create a private/public key pair or contact Hyzonia support if he doesn't know how then submit the public key to Hyzonia.
- It is possible to require the game to always expect a signature by configuring AA_SETTINGS in Advanced Customization options of advergame control panel:
"AA_SETTINGS": { "optionalSignature": false }
- The player data (JSON serialized string) must be signed by the private key. The signing method depends on the technology the website is based on. Hyzonia support is able to help Publishers to configure their websites. Once the Publisher has the data signed, he has to add it to the options of Hyzobox script in its web page:
<script type="text/javascript"> var options = { aa: { data: "{ em:'user@mywebsite.com', nk:'user nick name', dob:'dd/mm/yyyy', g:'f(emale) or m(ale)', country:'2 or 3 letter country code or full country name' }", sign: "Base64 String representation of RSA Signature of data string" } }; Hyzobox.createInstance("PopNDrop", "yourgame.hyzonia.com", options).render(); </script>
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